Monday, 14 March 2011

More pit traps

We keep coming across pit traps that ECU students have installed as part of their research projects in Shenton Bushland. Whilst it is good to contribute to the education of future ecologists, we do worry about the disturbance the traps may cause. We will need to monitor the sites and check that they recover once the students have finished.

John and I continued with our veldgrass removal process - working systematically through the bushland to take out any veldgrass that has survived the spraying from last winter. It is also a great way to visit parts of the bushland that we would not usually visit at other times of the year.
Despite the long dry summer, the bushland is not looking too bad at present - the damage from last year's hailstorm is no longer evident, and there does appear to be quite a bit of recruitment of sedgy plants such as alexgeorgia and desmocladus.
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Click here to download the GPX data for this map. Note, this data is an XML file - change the name to .GPX to upload to your GPS.

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