Tuesday 20 December 2011

Summer pattern

John and I began our summer pattern of work - removing veldgrass that survived the winter spraying program. Also collected some seeds (hardenbergia and gompholobium - but not much around).
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Sunday 18 December 2011

Spiders Everywhere

At this time of year we mainly clean up small patches of either geraldton carnation weed or veldgrass that have missed our attention during spring. I encountered lots of spiders whilst moving through the bushland, mostly small ones like this one, which was busy wrapping up a grass-hopper it had snared
We came across a flinders ranges wattle (unusual this far from Grace Vaughan House) and a crop of new fountain grasses coming up from where we had dug them up earlier this year.
This big spider gave me quite a fright when we met eye-ball to eye-ball. It didn't blink! It was about the size of my hand (with fingers stretched out).
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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Another cubby

While weeding watsonias, Dorothy and I thought we might do a little seed collecting (hardenbergia) - without much success - then Dorothy checked out the sites where contractors had removed mounds of soil a few years ago - some are regenerating well, others are a bit weedy.

At one of these sites, just beside the path, we found that someone has constructed a cubby house by putting branches on top of 3 balgas.
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A visit to the other side

John and I worked on the Health Department area - mainly pulling out Geraldton Carnation Weeds near the Selby Lodge area.
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Click here to download the GPX data for this map. Note, this data is an XML file - change the name to .GPX to upload to your GPS.