Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Monitoring Perth Banksia Woodlands Restoration Project - Shenton Bushland

The Friends of Shenton Bushland and the City of Nedlands have obtained funding to restore a degraded area in the bushland to provide food and habitat for Cockatoos in the Perth area.

As part of The Friends' contribution to the project we have been collecting seeds to plant out, and monitoring outcomes from the project.

Monitoring sites
Click here to view live map

Click here to download the GPX data for this map. Note, this data is an XML file - change the name to .GPX to upload to your GPS.
Seedling counts:
Originally planted July 2015: 2072
Living plants counted October 2015: 1720 (83% survival)
Dead plants counted October 2015: 146
Assumed dead plants not counted October 2015: 206

Transect monitoring photos:
Transect 1 photos:
Pt 1

Pt 2

Pt 3

Pt 4

Pt 5

Pt 6

Not sure which point this is! Could be Point 1 again
 Transect 2 photos:
Pt 1

Pt 2

Pt 3

Pt 4

Pt 5
Pt 6

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