Sunday, 17 February 2008

Hot and Humid

Hot and humid weather - possibly related to cyclones up north. The veldgrass loves this weather - lots of green shoots coming. We just keep on pulling it out!

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Monday, 11 February 2008


No, this isn't the result of a fire in the bushland! Kerri and I went to the opening of the Perth International Arts festival - the french group Ilotopie put on a spectacular show - much better than the Australia Day skyshow.
Back in the bushland, John, Dorothy and I pulled veldgrass. We then inspected the Prisoner of War camp site and took a sample of A. pulchella which appears to have come from the Darling Scarp. Dorothy will check it in the Herbarium. There is a note in the Herbarium that some material in Shenton Bushland came from Bushmead.

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Sunday, 3 February 2008

Planning for the year ahead

John and I spent an hour in the bushland pulling veldgrass, then the others (Kim, Vicki, Kate, and Dorothy) came and we gathered for our committee meeting to plan for the coming year.
Kate told us about her Blackflag trials - it seems that Dalapon is the only herbicide suitable for bushland use that has any significant effect on Blackflag - about 25% reduction in plants each year. We will continue mapping Blackflag infestations, and Vicki will check out our budget for spraying Dalapon.
Freesia seems to be responding to our current spraying regime - and Vicki is getting quotes for spraying this coming year.
Lachenalia has been problematic - is not hard to control, but needs to be sprayed at a different time to Freesia - Kate suggested speaking with a colleague (Karen Bettink) at Urban Nature to see if there is any funding available to help with this.
Vicki is also getting quotes for spraying veldgrass. There was some discussion about why spraying with fusilade does not appear to kill all veldgrass - even when applied at the correct time and concentration. There was also discussion about ways of reducing the cost of spraying veldgrass. We suggested that maybe The Friends could assist by spot-spraying lightly infested areas at the same time that the contractor is in the bushland.
Kerri brought much welcomed refreshments (frozen fruit icecream - Cantelope/rock mellon, kiwi fruit, banana, and red grapes). Meeting adjourned at 11am. It was getting pretty hot by then.

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